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Have you been in to see Annissa in the last 6 months and want to book at the North Austin-Gateway location?

Friday availability for haircut and low-tox color and highlighting services.. Click below to get started:

Has it been longer than 6 months or aren't sure what to schedule? Book as a New Guest.

Have you been in to see Annissa in the last 6 months and want to book at the East Austin-6th St location?

Monday + Wednesday availability for Healing Haircuts and low-tox color and highlighting services.. Click below to get started:

Have you been in to see Annissa in the last 6 months and want to book at the East Austin-6th Street location?

Monday availability for Healing Haircut and low-tox color and highlighting services.

Has it been longer than 6 months or aren't sure what to schedule? Book as a New Guest. 


Need something else?

Are you still unsure of what service or location you need? Got you covered! Simply email me at and we will start with a digital consultation.

Can't find a time that works for you?

You can join our waitlist online and be notified instantly of openings for the selected date or time. You may also email for possible "Premium Hours" these are overtime hours not available online that can sometimes be accommodated for an extra fee.

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